
A poet’s introspection on a passing day, of hope and rejuvenation in life.
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As if on cue, the wings soar up—keep flying high

Singing birds spread harmony across the blue sky

They slow down mid-flight, seek rest for a while

The silent runway looks on, offers a quick smile

Wistfulness grips hard, past reflections bid goodbye.

Basking in the comfort of a glittering evening

Even concrete shapes seem warm and inviting

The aerodrome, though, remains lonely as ever—

Clouds float around without sense of direction

Lights come on sudden—bright, full of passion

The north wind beckons, has a message to deliver.

Another day ends with the promise of redemption

Lost souls, bathed in gold, begin their ascension

They slow down mid-flight, seek rest for a while

White doves flock around, offer a tender smile

Melancholia paints the dusk in colors of emotion.

Also Read: Departure

Image Courtesy: Shutterstock

Souvik Chakraborty

Souvik Chakraborty, by profession a mid-level manager at Steel Authority of India Ltd., has, since his early days, been a voracious reader of both literary and popular fiction. Till date he has edited eight acclaimed anthologies in English, and a handful in Bengali as well. When not busy collating stories, Souvik likes to try his hand at penning poems and speculative yarns, and over the past few years, has contributed a number of short pieces to various renowned periodicals. He loves playing the guitar, and his hobbies include listening to rock music and watching thriller movies.

Souvik Chakraborty, by profession a mid-level manager at Steel Authority of India Ltd., has, since his early days, been a voracious reader of both literary and popular fiction. Till date he has edited eight acclaimed anthologies in English, and a handful in Bengali as well. When not busy collating stories, Souvik likes to try his hand at penning poems and speculative yarns, and over the past few years, has contributed a number of short pieces to various renowned periodicals. He loves playing the guitar, and his hobbies include listening to rock music and watching thriller movies.

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