
Established: 1999

  1. Website:
  2. Social media handles
    Insta: @thespace
    Twitter: @thespace

Needs: are looking for fiction and poetry. They are also seeking travelogues, videos, and audios for their various sections. The magazine also publishes and encourages artworks, photography. We however do not accept unsolicited nonfiction. For Non-fictions contact directly at

Time: It may take 2-3 months for the decision and subsequent publication. You will be notified. So please do not forget to add your email address/WhatsApp number.
Tips: Banglalive editor/s and everyone in the fiction department writes an opinion and rates the fiction or poetry about a story being considered for publication. We may even send it out to external editors/readers for a blind read from time to time to seek opinion. A published story may not be liked by everyone. There is no one thing or any particular feature or trademark to get published in the magazine. A story must grow on its own terms.
How to Submit: Upload your fiction and poetry submissions directly on this portal or submit via email (see the guidelines below).


  • All submissions should be original and unpublished 
  • Any violation of copyright or instances of plagiarism will lead to rejection  
  • We accept fiction, poetry, travelogue, essays, culinary articles, film and book reviews and essays on history, heritage, environment, society, gender
  • Photo stories must include at least eight photos in either landscape or portrait orientation (please stick to one format) and a short writeup about the photos in not more than 500 words 
  • Submissions must be sent on 
  • Word count for all articles except fiction – 1000-1500 words
  • Word count for fiction- 1500 – 3000 words
  • All submissions should be sent as word documents and must include Author’s photograph and short profile 
  • Please add your contact details (phone, email & postal address) in the cover letter email with the submission 
  • Any submission containing derogatory comment on any gender, caste, creed, religion or community will be rejected 
  • If your article is selected, you will be notified within three months 
  • Editors’ decision on title, grammar, syntax, spellings will be considered absolute and non-negotiable
  • Articles must include references and bibliography 
  • Articles must include footnotes in case there are cultural/linguistic references other than English