About the company

Word and Art Matters. Writing is the deep expression of ourselves. The conscious we and our dreaming brain weave new words and paint the seen and the surreal. The world of film, theater, books, music, and all the creative indulgences we nurture to shine light and sign posters.

thespace.ink is a literary magazine dedicated to publishing fiction, poetry, experimental fiction and poetry, book reviews, literary criticism, and more. We take on to the understanding of film, performance art, and various culture-related events. We believe in reconfiguring the world with pens, paints, keyboards, cameras, headphones, nail-biting, clapsticks, coffee mugs, and teacups. We love to burn the midnight oil to find the best idea at the last flicker of the light. At thespace.ink, we aim at fostering ambitious prosody and poetics. Expanding to create, encourage, and support a community of both emerging and established creative writers and artists who will find their coveted literary home here.

We propose bringing the real, keeping the weird. Connecting with the world. Making a home and spark new inspirations.

Our Story

Sumi Duttaray

Dr. Mousumi Duttaray

Mousumi Duttaray is at once the managing editor, guiding star, mentor and comrade of the space.ink team. With a masterly knowledge of digital publishing and a long experience in academia, she steers the magazine clear of troubled waters and ensures every single of her team members are in the best of spirits. She is a collector of friends.

Tirthankar Deb

Tirthankar Deb is a cat father and heritage junkie who is crazy about colonial Kolkata. He takes care of the digital media marketing and events for the team and is the go-to person for all policy-related queries from team members, having spent more than just a few years in the organization.

Prasanta Aich

Prasanta Aich is a young man of seventy whose zeal for work and life can put youngsters to shame. He deftly handles the back-office functionalities of the magazine and still manages to keep everyone including the accounts department happy. His best hours are spent listening to old film songs.

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