Jane Austen once said, “Friendship is the finest balm for the pangs of disappointed love”.
In the course of our lives we come across a lot of people but each of us have that one ‘special someone’ we can rely upon. Someone who is always going to be there, is a feeling that is priceless and boundless. The forever goto person, confidante, a partner in crime and what not. Words can never be enough to describe this unbreakable bond.
In my opinion, a person with whom we blabber about everything happening in our lives without having the fear of being judged or being betrayed is a friend and the bond shared is friendship. Friendship isn’t just about talking or spending time with that person, it is something more than that. It is also roasting and insulting one another, and then saying ‘I hate you’ despite knowing how much you love them.
Friendship honestly, is the finest balm, and it is the comfort provided for every low moment, every sad feeling. It’s the aura of that one person who knows what we exactly want, what we are feeling that makes a difference in our life.
Describing this special bond, I have to share the bond that I have with two people who have never given up on their friendship or on me. Though the bond may have started over an incident but this friendship can’t be defined in words. It is a feeling so special, a bond so strong that I feel grateful to have them in my life. The two people I’m talking about know exactly what I want and they are on whom I can rely on always. All this time I have been expressing what I define my friendship with them, my parents.
Dharini Karwa is a 15 year old ambivert who loves exploring and mainly has her interests in dancing, writing and painting.
2 Responses
Beautiful ❤️
Beautiful , lot’s of love ❤️