The poem intends to expose the hollowness of Goddess worship in a society that disrespects women daily.
The concept of Durga Puja dates back to the 16th century, rooting itself with ancient Bengali standards which were highly initiated by the aristocratic zamindars.
The intricate dance of divinity and creation creates a transcendental relationship between the creator and the creation.
West Bengal clearly outdoes itself during their feast of Durga Puja. There are many exquisite pandals for the communal congregation, housing the regal goddess. During
Being born and brought up in Delhi NCR, Dussehra to me always meant the last day of Ramlila which ends with great fanfare and festivity
Under the azure autumn sky, amidst the amorous cascades of prancing clouds and swaying 'kash', rises the reverberating hum of worship of the warrior goddess—
I can not make a claim to say that my family started the Durga puja in Taunggyi but unofficially our house became the hub of
Before Durga puja arrives, my family and I go for a stroll in the supermarket to buy new clothes. However, the crowds in the supermarket
Kumortuli, a beautiful place situated in Sovabajar, North Kolkata, is home to the thousand sculpture artists, and a very favorite place of Photographers, especially before
Now the pandals are ready and the atmosphere festive and kinetic. The city is abuzz with excitement about the myriad themed installations that house Maa
The ritual of idol immersion has turned into an environmental hazard.
Chirodeep Chaudhuri finally decided to document the village way of life in the backdrop of a centuries old Durga Puja. His account of memories is
Durga Pujo for me is a reminder that happiness finds its way home. Every year. That on those five days, everyone looks stunning and feels
These were some of my favourite things from yesteryears. Those were the days when Sreeram Arcade and Treasure Island (also near New Market) were yet
1970 was the year when the first community Durga Puja was organized in several big cities in the US and Canada. The community response was
The greatest festival of the year for us, the Bengalis, has come knocking at our doors. The Durga Puja is not just a festival. It