The mob is God, and God is a man.
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Twenty-five years ago, Indian homes experienced the Kargil War through the brave and unprecedented firsthand wartime reporting of Indian journalists.
All we Imagine as Light has three female protagonists. But by no means is it a feminist film.
The film Bohurupi unmasks the true thieves in our society entertains with satire, gold old folksy music and tremendous acting.
To read The One Legged as merely part of the folk and psychological horror tradition would be reductive and doing injustice to the novel.
Tara is the final book of the five-volume Sati series, which seeks to foreground the stories of the panchakanya.
Someone is always at my elbow reminding me that I am the granddaughter of slaves.
Although “If” remains Kipling’s most abiding poem, here are four other poems to celebrate his poetic contribution on his birthday.
A celebration of Christmas for many of us around the world is incomplete without a reading of this abiding classic.
Milton’s poems are a deep dive into his spirituality, tinged with hope, love and suffering, often ruminating on philosophical matters.
Rossetti’s poems are not just a homage to nature but her very own indomitable nature that sings true even to this day.
Rilke spoke openly and with great insight into the human experience of pain and joy, good and evil and the amalgamate of these.