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Video: Echoes of Empathy, Maxim Gorky – Voice of the people

Aleksei Maximovich Peshkov, later known as Maxim Gorky, came into the world in 1868, amidst the turmoil of Tsarist Russia. Raised by his grandmother, Gorky’s childhood was marred by poverty and instability, his father having passed away when he was just five years old.
In the shadows of adversity, young Maxim found solace in books, nurturing a flame of curiosity that would later ignite the literary world. His thirst for knowledge unquenchable, Gorky’s formative years were marked by a turbulent journey, as he navigated the complexities of adolescence and rebellion.

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The Artist and the Critic

If Ezra Pound had mollycoddled T. S. Eliot when the latter sent his poem, “The Waste Land” to the former for his editorial suggestions, both friends together would probably have given the world “The Waste Land” that could have been a waste of time. Pound made considerable cuts to the original manuscript with his editorial poetic knife removing lines and sections that he considered superfluous or irrelevant.

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science and literature

Is Science Very Unlike Literature?

A scientific journal proposes a novel idea that was once not known to humanity. I’ve had the privilege of feeling the connection to words written almost a hundred years ago, reaching out from the depths to touch a 21st century me. It’s a piece of literary work. Both make your heart beat faster.

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Fiction, Faith and the Fatwa on the Question of the ‘Satanic Verses’

These questionable controversial verses that came to be known as ‘satanic verses,’ authorized intercessory prayers to al-Lat, al-Uzza and Manat — three Meccan female deities. These deities are the daughters of Hubul, the lord of the Arabian city of Mecca (the birthplace of Muhammad) and the Kaaba (the House of God). Each of them had her own shrine around Mecca.

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