A hopeful reflection on the many journeys contained within a single train journey.
The poem ruminates on the journey of life which for most embodies a cyclical story of an endless wait.
The poem intends to expose the hollowness of Goddess worship in a society that disrespects women daily.
She sprang to her feet when she saw her father’s figure approaching in the dim light of the lamp.
Glancing out of the hut Kusum noted that the yellow blossoms on the ridgegourd creeper were slowly opening their petals in the reddish evening light.
You are right. Our soldiers are dying every day for their wrong policies.
A renowned architect, inspired by their vision, volunteered to design a pilot eco-friendly housing complex. Green Earth’s name became synonymous with environmental change in Kolkata.
In very simple words, “sustainability” in fashion means creating and consuming clothes in a “sustained” way, that not only protects the environment but also those
Early in the morning, late in the century, Cricklewood Broadway. At 06.27 hours on 1 January 1975, Alfred Archibald Jones was dressed in corduroy and
The bird’s nest was on a neem tree. It was made of twigs and it was round in shape. In the nest, a parrot was
The book under review is a translation of Tapaswi O Taraginee, a four-act Bangla play written by Buddhadeva Bose (Buddhadev Basu), one of the pioneers
'Adventures of Huckleberry Finn', a novel by Mark Twain, was published in the United Kingdom in 1884 and in the United States in 1885. The
These are the dishes Dhruv Arora loves. These are namely biryani, puchka and sushi
My dream apartment will be located in Singapore. I will live there with my parents happily. The view from my apartment will be fantastic. On
The past was deep. The fairy lights were black and white. As if everything was lost in a film scene from the prime time.
Rashbehari was mediocre in size, mediocre in looks, mediocre in knowledge and mediocre in intelligence. A truly mediocre character in other words. Sarasi, too, he