Aajibaichi Shala is an unique school run in a small village of Thane District of Maharashtra. With its inception on 8 th March 2016, Women’s Day, this school aims to educate illiterate grandmothers of the area whose age ranges from 60 to 94 years. The school runs from 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM so that all the grandmother students can come easily after finishing their daily household work. Students even who can’t walk properly or have poor eyesight or memory, attend this school with equal enthusiasm and energy, wearing school uniform of Pink Saree. They are taught numbers, alphabets, words, rhymes, tables along with singing, dancing, gardening, playing and many other things. This rural institute is perfect example of learning with fun and nothing, not even age, can be a barrier to education. Learning to sign have helped these women to gain respect from others and have increased their self-confidence. Initiatives like Aajibaichi Shala needs to get acknowledged and applauded for their courage and pure intent in this new India.