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Photo Story: Changthang

In the eastern part of Ladakh, lies a vast plateau of undulating plains, azure blue lakes and high snow peaks. It is called Changthang.
Photo Story cover on Changthang, the eastern part of Ladakh
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In the eastern part of Ladakh, lies a vast plateau of undulating plains, azure blue lakes and high snow peaks. It is called Changthang.

With a minimum altitude of 4000 meters above sea level, it is the home of various rare avifauna like Black necked crane, Ruddy shelduck, bearded vulture  and endangered wildlife like kiang ( wild ass), Tibetan wolf etc. It is the land of semi-nomadic Changpa tribe who migrates from one place to another all round the year in search of grazing fields for their Pashmina goats. The region is scarcely populated with small villages scattered far and beyond. The villagers are Buddhist by religion and almost every village has  its own monastery as the place of worship.

Anindya Majumdar is a trekker, photographer and travel writer since early ‘90s. His travelogues are regularly published in leading Bengali travel magazines. He has won more than 30 photographic awards and been conferred with international photographic distinctions like Associate of Royal Photographic Society (ARPS) from Royal Photographic Society, Great Britain and Excellence FIAP (EFIAP) from Fédération Internationale de l’Art Photographique, a partner of UNESCO. His website is

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