In a dystopian world, nothing is normal. There is chaos due to either the government’s bad decisions or good decisions not made by the government. In this world, everyone is fighting to keep themselves afloat.
While many have made the connection between dystopia and our current situation in facing a world-wide pandemic, that is actually not the case. While the situation has become quite difficult with countries struggling to produce vaccines, the governments across the globe have made several decisions that have helped to fight against COVID-19.
A dystopian situation rarely occurs today, but in the 20th century, it was a common occurrence. The World Wars would be a prime example of such bad decisions made by several governments leading to the death of millions.
In literature, dystopian genre stories have the ability to transport us to a different world. We are able to explore a whole new dimension while still feeling the connection with the characters that act just like us. This theme has inspired several exemplary pieces of literature. To name a few, Ready Player One and The Hunger Games.
Ready Player One is based in the future where the real world has fallen into crisis with everyone logging onto a virtual world. Set in the late 21st Century, this book is captivating as you follow the journey of a teenager trying to find his place in the world.
Similarly, The Hunger Games follows a dictatorship led setup that punishes anyone who steps out of line. This book is action filled as you follow young Katniss as she struggles to stay alive in this deadly world.
All in all, dystopia is a captivating genre that has had me hooked. While reading and following the struggles of these characters is enthralling, I certainly would not like to be in a dystopian world! has collaborated with ‘Word Munchers’, a creative writing platform that trains and encourages kids and youngsters to hone their creative writing skills. will be publishing two short essays by students of ‘Word Munchers’ every Saturday.