World Sparrow Day

Today is World Sparrow Day! Randomly scrolling through amazon albums, I discovered these little birds, they helped me remember the exact spots on the Highline
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“It was only a smile, nothing more. It didn’t make everything all right. It didn’t make ANYTHING all right. Only a smile. A tiny thing. A leaf in the woods, shaking in the wake of a startled bird’s flight. But I’ll take it. With open arms. Because when spring comes, it melts the snow one flake at a time, and maybe I just witnessed the first flake melting.” This is an excerpt from Khaled Hosseini’s The Kite Runner. I think it was 2007, he was the new writer on the block who was a doctor by profession and trained through creative writing classes. This was his first book, autobiographical in tone but with an assured command over the effective, thrilling storytelling skill. This is a book where every time you flip the page you would strongly desire to see the sun peep through the gloomy days but the tension never ceases; the sad forlorn days continue with its immense intensity and the pithy commentary on the endless conflict between Taliban and Afghans. Yet it keeps the reader engaged to hope for a better tomorrow. 
Today is World Sparrow Day! Randomly scrolling through amazon albums, I discovered these little birds, they helped me remember the exact spots on the Highline walkway, when it was still in “work in progress” mode. It was one of those beautiful, mellowed, soft like a sunny side up day. I had stepped out of my office after work and walked up to take a deep, fresh breath. These chirpers came out, and had made my otherwise uneventful day an eventful one. 
We are now fighting an invisible enemy but this shall pass. 
As the poet said,
“Hope” is the thing with feathers –
That perches in the soul –
And sings the tune without the words –
And never stops – at all -“
Keep safe, keep positive. 
Images used in this article are by the author.

Mousumi was raised in Kolkata but now call New York her home. She pursued her PhD from Indiana University Bloomington and currently works as a Marketing & Consumer Data and Design Analytics professional. She is Co-founder and Director at MDRK Partners. She loves to read, cook, take photos on her phone and travel.

Mousumi was raised in Kolkata but now call New York her home. She pursued her PhD from Indiana University Bloomington and currently works as a Marketing & Consumer Data and Design Analytics professional. She is Co-founder and Director at MDRK Partners. She loves to read, cook, take photos on her phone and travel.

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